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523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA

phone:  + 385 31 / 326 - 692


phone:  + 385 31 / 326 - 692

Mission & VisionLearn more about us and our goals!

The company OSmetal was registered in 2007. The company OSmetal was registered in 2007 in Osijek (before 2007, it was a small business), founded by Ivan Katić, with Dario Katić as its director.

The company is 100% privately owned and we have 35 qualified employees and graduate engineers at our disposal who can deal with any challenge. We also have a production facility in Ladimirevci (Valpovo), where we have over 2,000 m² of open and closed workspace at our disposal.

Mission & VisionLearn more about us and our goals!

The company OSmetal was registered in 2007. in Osijek (before 2007, it was a small business), founded by Ivan Katić, with Dario Katić as its director.

The company is 100% privately owned and we have 35 qualified employees and graduate engineers at our disposal who can deal with any challenge. We also have a production facility in Ladimirevci (Valpovo), where we have over 2,000 m² of open and closed workspace at our disposal. We take pride in being a…

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novosti-Saponia in numbers-naslovna
Saponia in numbers
Saponia in numbers💙 : 150 t
novosti-KFK Assembly in numbers-naslovna
KFK Assembly in numbers
KFK Assembly in numbers: 13500
Our clients

We collaborate with leading companies in Croatia and here are just a few of them: